E-Motion & Bio One application

E-Motion & Bio One application

E-Motion & Bio One Application

To adjust the slats of the E-Motion and Bio One bioclimatic pergolas one by one, simply install the Bio'Motion application on your smartphone or tablet. Ergonomic and intelligent, the application will allow you to control and operate your pergola from a distance or from your living room.

E-Motion & Bio One Application

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Biossun certifications and guarantees

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44 000 pergolas installed

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Control your bioclimatic pergola easily with the Bio'Motion application

When you invest in an E-Motion or Bio One bioclimatic pergola, you're opting for a superior outdoor living experience. Pour rendre cette expérience encore plus exceptionnelle, nous avons développé l'application Bio Motion, une solution intelligente et ergonomique qui vous permet de piloter votre pergola du bout des doigts, que vous soyez chez vous distance.

The Bio'Motion application has been specially designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. It installs easily on your smartphone or tablet, transforming your device into a smart remote control for your bioclimatic pergola.

The Bio'Motion app is designed to adapt to your specific needs. You can customize the settings according to your preferences, that this either to optimize the ventilation, maximize the shade or create a perfect balance between natural light and protection against the sun.